Saturday, 6 September 2014

Top 5: Favourite Films

Okay so I should probably tell you that I'm not a big movie watcher (even though I do work at a video rental store, really not too sure why they hired me to be honest) so constructing this list in all honesty wasn't that difficult a task. Another thing I should say to you is that my friends tell me I have an awful taste in movies, apparently I'm into 'monotone' movies (I say embrace it) but um fuck them I'm going to force my list onto you regardless. Anyway, now that I've got you all pumped up for a killer movie list let's get it started...

Number 5: The Truman Show
I watched this back in 2008 I want to say, and I really enjoyed it. I recently had to re-watch it for school and I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much if not more! I found that I got a lot more out of it this time round as I'm obviously six years older and wiser (okay maybe not wiser) but the ideas and themes the film addressed were really quite complex and interesting. It touched a lot on what we value in a society and if being ignorant really is bliss. I'll give you a quick run down on what it's about if you don't already know, basically it's about a man named Truman who was born into the main character role of a reality TV show. Cameras have been following him around ever since he was born, 24 hours a day non-stop. Truman is unaware of this as everyone around him are acting as his friends, acquaintances and family. He lives in a man constructed dome-like 'society', which is completely cut off from the real world. The film centers around Truman wanting more out of life and wanting to escape his 'ordinary'.
Number 4: The Harry Potter Series
Harry Potter is my childhood. It's the one series I have re-watched over 200 times (no exaggeration). They are just a bunch of 8 amazingly feel-good films that instantly improve my mood. I don't know whether my enjoyment of them is purely nostalgic or that I get something new out of them each time I watch it. All I know is that it's a series I will never stop re-watching and never ever stop loving. I think my favourite is probably the Prisoner of Azkaban purely because Voldemort is not in it which makes it much less dark and somber. My favourite character, you ask? I think it would have to be Severus Snape because he is the most relatable and genuine character, I feel, he's also fairly underrated which also adds to the appeal.
Number 3: 10 Things I Hate About You
This film is so feel good (obviously not as much as HP but it's still up there). I feel like it's such a classic chic flick and the fact that I like this is saying a lot as I'm usually not a fan of those girly misogynistic shitty films. What gives this film extra brownie points would have to be the sexiness of Heath Ledger, if you are to watch any scene watch the bit where he's trying to win back Kat by serenading her at school, oh my dear god that scene. I love how this film manages to incorporate a teenage girl love story while maintaining it's independant-women-beyoncé-like vibe. Assuming you already know what this film is about I'll give you a 30-words-or-less summary. Girl meets boy. Boy dates girl for money. Boy eventually falls for girl. Girl finds out about money and you know where this is heading. Anyway it's a must-watch so get on to it if you haven't already.
Number 2: Good Will Hunting
Matt Damon. Matt Damon. Matt Damon. He is sure looking fine in this movie, I must say. Phenomenal performance by both Damon and Robin Williams (who tragically passed away recently due to unfortunate and terribly sad circumstances). The acting in this film is purely amazing, so genuine and so raw. This movie makes me tear up every time because of how heartfelt and relatable it is. It's about a boy named Will Hunting (see what they did with the title ;)) who works as a janitor at M.I.T., he has a talent for maths but isn't quite sure what to do with it as he comes from a rough and financially unstable background. He is recommended to see a psychologist whom which he forms a very strong relationship with and simultaneously receives crucial life guidance from. Love. Love. Love this film. Perfect for a rainy day.
We have reached our number one, drum roll please. dadadaddadada bom tsh!

Number 1: The Breakfast Club
As cliché and pretentious as it seems to sound The Breakfast Club would have to be my favourite film of all time. It answers all of the troublesome questions of high-school life and raises so many more. It is such an important and thought-provoking film while it still manages to keep it's comedic tone. I can't stress to you how crucial it is that you watch this film. It's not supposed to be particularly sad but it made me cry watching how these five teenagers who had nothing in common at all (except a Saturday detention of course) ended up bonding and forming such formidable yet unlikely relationships. I adore every single character and could relate to each one. Ahh, such an amazing film.

P.S. I am well aware that I overused the word 'amazing' and 'relatable' but my vocabulary seems to be incredibly limited. Someone please buy me a Thesaurus for my birthday. Thank you in advance. xx

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