Tuesday 11 February 2014

Lemonade Stand: Summer Mix Tape

Do you love music? Is your taste in music impeccable? If you answered yes to both of those questions, than I'm 99% sure that you're going to love my brand new 2014 Summer Mix Tape! Yay! I've decided that I'm going to release a new mix tape  at the turn of each new season, which means that my next mix tape will be coming out in Autumn, if I know my seasons well enough that is.

I have labeled this mix tape 'Lemonade Stand' and it combines a bunch of upbeat songs that I've been rockin' out to this summer. Bands such as The Preatures, Cloud Control, Half Moon Run, The Cure and even Queen (which was a shock to me as well).
My aim in creating these mix tapes is to share my love for music to the world, or my little corner of the internet, and hook people up into what is my massive obsession. Feel free to 'like' my mix tape on tape.ly and if you have created a mix tape yourself that you are ever so eager to share than please link it down in the comments below because I love discovering new music as much as I love lemonade and that's a whole lot.

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